Solar Return Report
"Solar Return Report"
1. General Report: Charges $11
This contains specific trends of the year that starts from one's birth date. Around 30 pages.
2. Detailed Report: Charges $21
Report for one year from one's birthday. This contains most of the eventful dates with detailed analysis for one year along with above no. 1. May contain 60 to 70 pages.
3. Exhaustive Report: Charges $41
Above 1+2 and Solar Return planets compared with Progressed plants with analysis of the dates of such aspects. May contain 90 to 100 pages.
4. With Transits and Progressed Reports: Charges $51
Above 1+2+3+one year's progression reports + one year major planetary transit reports (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Rahu-Ketu. Around 150 pages. Recommended package.